Thursday, April 23, 2009


This semester I began using a program called twitter. This is a fairly new program in the grand scheme of things. I began using it about a month ago. I do use this program but not nearly as much as others. I will log on and see that some people manage to log on and make 15 to 20 post a day. This is outrageous to me. I have never been one that is that hooked on the Internet and the following of others. I do not revolve around my computer or the Internet as some of these individuals seem to do. I am all for staying in touch with each other and reading how others are functioning in their daily lives or even getting tips and answer to problems you may have but not around the clock.
I personally did not go to any lengths to learn about twitter outside of my EDM 310 classroom. I did not like it, I made an attempt to use it, and gave it a fair opportunity, yet still did not care for it. Each time I used twitter I would attempt to learn something new about it. I also followed many people on twitter. I would follow conversations between people and through this read an interesting article about a young student strip searched for ibuprofen. I got to read the opinions between the people responding to others comments on the article. I post many times a week. I see the comments others make specifically to my comments.
I don't really think twitter should be used as an educational tool by teachers. I know many teachers who use it, and I have noticed that they tweet all day long. How are they getting much done? This was bothersome to me as a future teacher. I see it as a benefit as a student but not as a teacher. I know as a teacher I will not be using it unless it is mandatory as it is now for me to use it. Overall my feedback on twitter is Negative!

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